Given the increasing growth of scientific productions in Iran and in the world, the need for criteria for measuring and comparing scientific publications is highly felt by using scientism; a science that uses the data analysis method Is used. The Arabic Language and Literature Magazine of Ferdowsi University ...
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Given the increasing growth of scientific productions in Iran and in the world, the need for criteria for measuring and comparing scientific publications is highly felt by using scientism; a science that uses the data analysis method Is used. The Arabic Language and Literature Magazine of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is one of the most trusted journals in the field of Arabic language and literature in Iran. In 11 issues published, 82 articles from 131 authors with valid academic degrees and 27 University and educational institute. The present paper aims at analyzing the statistical and analytical number of authors, articles, authorship, cooperation between authors, centers and institutes active in the journal. In the meantime, the following results are obtained: 37 articles are written individually and 45 articles are jointly written, 36 articles from joint papers are presented as an associate and 9 articles are non-academic. Hassan Abdollahi, with 5 papers, has the highest participation in writing articles and the most frequent scientific papers with 45.8 belongs to the professors. Contemporary literature has also been the most frequent subject in articles with 30.4.
Anahita Partovi; Soheil Saadatinia; Nadia Hajipour
The present study is aimed to compare the conceptual metaphor of “grief” in Marsiya(written by Mullah Ali Fakher) and Habsieh(written by Masud Sa’ad Salman) poems, from cognitive semantics point of view. Data includes 4300 verses from selected Marsiya and about 18000 verses from Habsieh. ...
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The present study is aimed to compare the conceptual metaphor of “grief” in Marsiya(written by Mullah Ali Fakher) and Habsieh(written by Masud Sa’ad Salman) poems, from cognitive semantics point of view. Data includes 4300 verses from selected Marsiya and about 18000 verses from Habsieh. 12 names of mapping were found in Habsieh and 16 in Marsiya (including: “Power”, “Thing”, “pain”, “Disaster”, “Hardship”, “Human”, “living thing”, “Time/Event”, “Material”, “Element of nature”, “Container”, “fire”, “Utensil”, “Food”, “Captivity”,” Disease”, “Plant” and “culture” . 8 names of mapping are common in both Habsieh and Marsiya including: “Thing”, “Human”, “Fire”, “Material”, “Dish/container”, “Utensil”, “Food/edible” and “Disease”. But Habsieh and Marsiya are different in elaborating the feeling of “grief”. For instance “grief” with the name of mapping “Human” is a broody and depressed human being in Marsiya while in Habsieh , “grief” with the name of mapping “Human” is a friend and companion for a man who is alone in prison.
Archetypes as indicators of analytic psychology can be effective in in-depth historical analysis. In this research, after defining the archetypes and introducing the local and Mobad archetypes, the role of such psychological talents in ulama’s response to the events (political, social and cultural) ...
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Archetypes as indicators of analytic psychology can be effective in in-depth historical analysis. In this research, after defining the archetypes and introducing the local and Mobad archetypes, the role of such psychological talents in ulama’s response to the events (political, social and cultural) occurred during the Middle Islamic era were examined. The main question is as follows: To what extent have the scholars of Islam in the cultural geography of Iran been affected by such archetypes? The question can be answered through determining and analyzing some behaviors of the ulama in the social, cultural, and even individual fields. The research findings indicate a distinction focusing on the return to the old religious ideas potentially possessed by Islamic scholars. According to the nature of the subject, an analytical method was adopted in this study.
Ali Reza Pourshabanan; Amir Hossein pourshabanan
Farsi Persian Literature is a rich treasure of various narrations of the mindset of Iranian talented writers, which is in line with the urgent need for the new society to interact with the influential art of cinema, and has a great deal of interaction. He was able to exploit his various works in making ...
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Farsi Persian Literature is a rich treasure of various narrations of the mindset of Iranian talented writers, which is in line with the urgent need for the new society to interact with the influential art of cinema, and has a great deal of interaction. He was able to exploit his various works in making image versions. From this angle, the historic novel of The Ten Qezlbash written by Hossein Masroor, is one of these works written in the context of folk literature, with detailed payment and extensive details, and with the benefit of the visual features and the multiplicity of some of the elements of the drama, has good adaptive capacities. Accordingly, in the present paper, we tried to use a descriptive-analytical method to highlight some of the most important indicators that paid attention to this work from a dramatic dimension, and examined some examples tailored to this approach. And analyzed. By this description, it seems that the context of the story and its ups and downs, along with a plethora of fragrances with a variety of crises and points of the story's height, is the context in which other demeanoristic elements, such as plenty of excitement conflicts, the diversity of precise descriptions The imaginative and verifiable dramatic character, with its epic and action-oriented expression, has transformed it into one of the most desirable options for cinematic adaptation, with engaging and appealing themes
Alireza hosseini; hasan azami khavird; maryam bakhshandeh; pourya esmaeili
Intertextuality is a theory that deals with the relationship between literary texts and it considers each literary text as absorption and transformation of the various old and contemporary texts. Accordingly, literary commerce exists in different forms in the literature of nations, and less literature ...
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Intertextuality is a theory that deals with the relationship between literary texts and it considers each literary text as absorption and transformation of the various old and contemporary texts. Accordingly, literary commerce exists in different forms in the literature of nations, and less literature can be found that moves finely. A glance at Arabic poems of Khorasanian poets in the fourth and fifth centuries, shows the influence of the poetry of Pre-Islamic lyrics, especially Mu'allaqat-el Ashre on them. So the present research tries to review the causes of this impressibility by a comparative –analytic method to describe rate of this impressibility and intertextual relationship between Arabic poems of Khorasanian poets and Moalleghat-el Ashre. the research results indicated that for various reasons including rise of Islam and the necessity of being familiar with the Arabic language ,support of kings and philosophers from poets and literary men and a tendency towards entering state system and administrative affairs forced the Khorassanian poets to engage in composing Arabic poems and in consequence an intertextual relationship was made between them and Pre -Islamic lyrics and in all core elements of poetry, including the words, themes and structure and poetic style, established an elegance intertextual relationship with Moalleghat. There are all three itertextual rules as partial negation, total negation and monotonic negation in these two texts and the most of them includes monotonic negation which its sufficiency is regarded extensively in this research.
In this research regarding Gerard Genette’s theory, the inseparable element of narrative, which is time, is studied and for this purpose the adapted film “Shohar-e Ahoo Khanom” and its fictional source are studied and compared to each other in order to analyze the performance ...
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In this research regarding Gerard Genette’s theory, the inseparable element of narrative, which is time, is studied and for this purpose the adapted film “Shohar-e Ahoo Khanom” and its fictional source are studied and compared to each other in order to analyze the performance of the common narrative element in the literary and cinematic discourses in which there is adaptation. In discussing about narrative chronology according to Genette’s point of view, three features are considered to be analyzed: a) Order of events: event sequencing in narrative discourse. b) Frequency of events: the proportion between the number of reappearances of an event in narrative discourse and the probable times of occurance of the same event in the storyworld. c) Duration of events: the amount of time allocated to each event in narrative discourse.The results of the research show that: 1. The presentation of film events is strongly influenced by the book and there is no creativity in this field. All story events are briefly selected and displayed in the same natural order. 2. In the story, the frequency of events is often single-player (that is, the number of occurrences in the world of the story), and this topic Because of the nature of the story (novel), but in the film, the frequency of some events is decreasing; 3. According to the volume of the book of the husband's husband, the narrative beat in the book is slow, while the narration in the film, Due to numerous removals, it has been steadily rising and even occasionally contradicting narratives.
abdorrafi rahimi; pourya esmaeili
Technical prose in the Sassanian era (262-652AD) includes a variety of topics that include Pahlavi religious texts. In fact, the structure of the Sassanian rule, based on the Zoroastrian jurisprudence, caused the major resources of that period to be devoted to religious issues. With the collapse of the ...
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Technical prose in the Sassanian era (262-652AD) includes a variety of topics that include Pahlavi religious texts. In fact, the structure of the Sassanian rule, based on the Zoroastrian jurisprudence, caused the major resources of that period to be devoted to religious issues. With the collapse of the Sassanid state, Zoroastrianism was in isolation and so Zoroastrian clergy continued to write books to prevent it from being destroyed in order to maintain the identity and culture of Iran against Islam, especially during the time of the Abbasid caliphate, and with the establishment of the Beit alhakmah, the Persians had the opportunity to translate it in addition to the writing of the book, in some way on the political and social space of the first era of the Abbasid Caliphate (132-232AH) are effective. This paper examines the dimensions of this issue using a historical research based on description and analysis. The main findings of the research show that the compilation of Pahlavi religious texts has caused the Iranian traditions to spread in Islamic society and, on the other hand, followers of other religions can not have much influence in the court of the Abbasid, just like Zoroastrians and in view of the geographical and demographic location of Iran and the newly Muslim people of this land that were closer to the Arab people, unlike Christians who still favored the Byzantine Empire, they had to resort to cultural measures Resurrect the memory of the Sasanians and thus preserve their civilization.
ehsan reisi
In this paper I ask the question: what has literature to offer computer science? Can a bdateral programme of research be started with the aim of discovering the same kind of deep intertwining of ideas between computer science and literature, as already exists between computer science and linguistics? ...
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In this paper I ask the question: what has literature to offer computer science? Can a bdateral programme of research be started with the aim of discovering the same kind of deep intertwining of ideas between computer science and literature, as already exists between computer science and linguistics? What practical use could such results yield? I begin by studying a classic forum for some of the most unintelligible pieces of prose ever written, the computer manual. Why are these books so hard to understand? Could a richer diet of metaphor and onomatopoeia help me get my laser printer working? I then dig down a little deeper and explore computer programs themselves as literature. Do they exhibit aesthetics, emotion and all the other multifarious aspects of true literature? If so, does this support their purpose and understandability? Finally I explore the link between computer code and the human writer. Rather than write '4rge amounts of code directly, we encourage students to write algorithms as pseudo-code as a first step. Pseudo-code tells a story within a semi-formalised framework of conventions. Is this the intertwining we should be lookingfor?
Ezuddin al-Muna'Sra (1946-present) is considered a poet and critic of the Palestinian Authority and one of the leading scholars of comparative literature in the Arab world. He has a different stance on comparative literature and its cultural nature. In this area, he explores and examines the critique ...
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Ezuddin al-Muna'Sra (1946-present) is considered a poet and critic of the Palestinian Authority and one of the leading scholars of comparative literature in the Arab world. He has a different stance on comparative literature and its cultural nature. In this area, he explores and examines the critique of linguistic imperialism in the context of globalization of literature in general and comparative literature studies in particular,With the conception of the concepts of European-American-centered of language, the condition of linguistic discrepancy in French school studies of comparative literature, Anglo-Germanism, and Franco-Germanism and the alienationist translation. He mentions language as a tool for the "transfer of culture" as a new form of colonialism in the present era From his point of view, The promotion of English and French by the hegemakers, in third world countries, is a soft and relaxing way of penetrating and striving in them. on the one hand, which increases the interests of the West in the countries, and on the other hand, have led the cultures and national and local languages, In the long run, to weakening or elimination.In this research, we are going to introduce and analyze the views of Ezuddin al-Muna'Sra in the course of colonial language policy through descriptive-analytic method.
rahim salamatazar
Religion and Morality in “The Prince” and “Siyasat-nama”, and also their differences, are the main subjects of this article. The comparative study is our method for the article. This study has supposed that Machiavelli’s opinion about the religion in “The Prince” ...
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Religion and Morality in “The Prince” and “Siyasat-nama”, and also their differences, are the main subjects of this article. The comparative study is our method for the article. This study has supposed that Machiavelli’s opinion about the religion in “The Prince” is altogether utilitarian, realist, modern and of course un-scular. In fact, he recognizes the religion as an instrument only for people’s union, and he is also audacious, insensitive or even sometimes immeoral in morality. On the other hand, Nizam al-Mulk’s point of view about the religion in “Siasat-nama” is dogmatically, classic and conservatively and unlike Machiavelli, he not only respects the religion due to itself and it’s validity, but also is not unaware of the political affects of religion. furthermore, in morality, since he assume the morality has got rise of the religion (Islam), so he believed that moral will be existed even without government essence, namely, he does not consider morality based on government essence. All of these, as the hypothesis of this article, looked over with referring to the texts of mentioned books both.
a gh
Abolition and slavery although in the Rumi era he was one of the savvy scholars;but for the contemporary world to understand. It needs to be explained and ignoring. This will open the door to irrational judgments against religion, culture, and particular Sunnis.In the story of the "king and the slave ...
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Abolition and slavery although in the Rumi era he was one of the savvy scholars;but for the contemporary world to understand. It needs to be explained and ignoring. This will open the door to irrational judgments against religion, culture, and particular Sunnis.In the story of the "king and the slave girl" of the first office of the spiritual Mathnawi, the slave is traded with the marriage of trade.and it has been redistributed.this research first discusses concepts related to the marriage contract, including its types, characteristics, conditions, and effects, based on jurisprudential-legal definitionsand in the end it comes to that which, in determining the type of deprivation appropriate, the framework of the transaction is consistent with the proposition of exhaustion, cash, and exhaustion;in the trade section, only the pillar of necessity seems shaky, there is some clarity in the terms of the Bea in expressing its subject and it is obstructed in the sense of purity.
The purpose of this research is to study SaadiShiraz’shistorical knowledge in Gulistan and Bustan. The knowledges and concepts of Saadi in history are abstruse points in creation of those two great works in Persian literature and there is little attention to them. This question will be answered ...
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The purpose of this research is to study SaadiShiraz’shistorical knowledge in Gulistan and Bustan. The knowledges and concepts of Saadi in history are abstruse points in creation of those two great works in Persian literature and there is little attention to them. This question will be answered in this article; what are the concepts and knowledge of Saadi in history for creation of these two works and which concepts and elementsadumbrate them? The principle assumption of this research is that the social and personal experiences of Saadi have a great effect on his historical knowledge. The method of this research is descriptive-analytic and the results show that a combination of individual, historical, and social factors which were effective in formation of intellectual and historical knowledge of Saadi: his education in Al-Nizamiyya of Baghdad as the eldest cultural center of Islamic worlds, searching for the new horizons in turbulent era, and study of historical and cultural texts- by the social security ofSalghoriān. The great textual historical knowledge of Saadi caused appearance of his preconceived knowledge in some of his poetries and proses which are included the concepts and characteristics such as irrelevancy of god shadowing, tactility, efforts for application of element, historical concepts and characters, - mythical, homeland, Islamic- and consideration of history as an instrument for teaching morality in the form of stories, allegories, symbols, Allusion with attractive and magical technique.
The novel “Weapons free” ia one of the narrations written by Mohammad Reza Bayrami in war_related narrative literature. This novel has described one of the turning points of 8_year war. This study is an attempt to present a content analysis of novel “weapons free” using desk research ...
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The novel “Weapons free” ia one of the narrations written by Mohammad Reza Bayrami in war_related narrative literature. This novel has described one of the turning points of 8_year war. This study is an attempt to present a content analysis of novel “weapons free” using desk research and analytic _descriptive method as novel sociology theory (mainly Georges Lukacs and Lucien Goldman). Events related to war, verisimilitude, tradition and modernity contrast, flashback to childhood and nature are the village, and reflection of public culture are the prevailing content of this work. The findings of the study indicate that the thoughts and contents described in this work are a reflection of his mental ststus and ideology. It should be noted that the author achieved to a unity be nefiting his creative and fluid mind leading to a special style in narration reflected in his buminevisi.