Document Type : Original Article
1 Ph. D student of Shahid Madani University
2 Ph. D student of Azad University of Garmsar
Given the increasing growth of scientific productions in Iran and in the world, the need for criteria for measuring and comparing scientific publications is highly felt by using scientism; a science that uses the data analysis method Is used. The Arabic Language and Literature Magazine of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is one of the most trusted journals in the field of Arabic language and literature in Iran. In 11 issues published, 82 articles from 131 authors with valid academic degrees and 27 University and educational institute. The present paper aims at analyzing the statistical and analytical number of authors, articles, authorship, cooperation between authors, centers and institutes active in the journal. In the meantime, the following results are obtained: 37 articles are written individually and 45 articles are jointly written, 36 articles from joint papers are presented as an associate and 9 articles are non-academic. Hassan Abdollahi, with 5 papers, has the highest participation in writing articles and the most frequent scientific papers with 45.8 belongs to the professors. Contemporary literature has also been the most frequent subject in articles with 30.4.