- How can I prepare and submit my article?
- I forgot my username or password, how can I recover it?
- Do all authors need to register in the system?
- What should be done if the author’s / authors’ specification are incorrectly entered during submitting the article or their names are entered in wrong order in the system?
- Can the corresponding author sign in the form of letter of commitment and conflict of interest on behalf of other authors if (s)he does not have access to them?
- What pages should the corresponding author read in the early stages of submitting an article?
- Is it possible to submit the article to several journals?
- How do I know the latest status of my submitted article?
- How long does it take to proceed and assess the article?
- Is it possible to subscribe and receive a print edition of the journals?
- When do I receive the acceptance letter (certificate)?
- What should be done if the acceptance letter is needed after receiving the article acceptance email?