Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Ilam University. Ilam. Iran.

2 Associate professor department of Persian Language and Lterature, Faculty of Humanities, Ilam University, Ilam Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Ilam University. Ilam. Iran.



Many literary criticism theories have developed based on other disciplines like linguistics and have, to a certain degree, an interdisciplinary character. Formalism as one of these kinds of theories, has had a tremendous influence on literary studies. Skaz is an important term in literary criticism that deals with the voices of the writer and the narrator and highlights the difference between the two. Dialogue-orientation, bilingualism, consideration for colloquialism, limitation of thought horizon, and absence of censorship and ambiguity in language are important features of Skaz. Paying attention to the element of narration and combining the ancient and ordinary language are the properties of Akhavan-Sales’ poetry which makes some of his poems open to analysis from the perspective of Skaz. This study was conducted in a descriptive-analytical method, in order to review eighteen Akhavan-Sales’ poems on the basis of Skaz elements to answer the question that how extensive the skaz features related to structure and content are dominant in his poetry. The result of the study shows that in Akhavan-Sales’ narrative poetry the structural features as narration, bilingualism, dialogue-orientation and colloquial language are dominant over content features such as limitation of thought horizon, absence of censorship and ambiguity.


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