Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Persian Language and Literature Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature. South Tehran Branch. Islamic Azad university. Tehran. Iran

3 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch. Tehran. Iran.



The present article examines the behavioural traits of the characters in the novel 'Autumn Is the Final Season’ by Naseem Marashi (born in 1363) which is based on the theory of traits propounded by Ramond Bernard Cattell (1905-1998). The main characters of the novel are three women named Leila, Roja and Shabana who have behavioural traits emanating from migration, family, emotions and works. One of the views related to personality can be called the theory of Ramond Bernard Cattell. This theory tries to describe a person’s traits that are caused by his behavioral personality. His formal traits are obvious and superficial and are of short duration. According to Raymond Cattell deep traits are embedded and more prominent in a person. Ramond Cattell enumerates sixteen factors which form the traits of a character. This article is a descriptive analysis of them and answers to the fundamental question that which type of character in the novel ‘Autumn Is the Final Season’ fits into the theory of Cattell. According to the result of my research which was conducted on Ramond Cattell’s theory which shows that the character in the novel happens to be more anxious and disturbed.


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