Document Type : Original Article
Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
The role of commentators and expounders in understanding, structuring, interpreting, categorizing, and finally, dynamizing and applying the intellectual data of philosophers has a secondary and sometimes equal position with the thinkers themselves. Meanwhile, the French philosopher and thinker Gilles Deleuze, by readout and analyzing the thought system of Nietzsche and others, has succeeded in creating and giving birth to new theories in the field of thought. He developed the generality of conceptual personality from the adaptation of the narrative system of Plato, Descartes, Nietzsche, and other authors, and he believed that a figure such as Zoroaster was a conceptual figure constructed by Nietzsche by his components and characteristics. On the other hand, in analyzing the data and specs that Deleuze expresses in explaining the perceptual personality, Rumi's Shams can also be considered as having this capacity and capability, so in a comparative view, and analyze them in a usual common kinship. Therefore, this research cum an analytical-descriptive system using Deleuze's theoretical basis, analyzes these two personalities in the framework of conceptual personality theory, and eventually infers that both Rumi's Shams and Nietzsche's Zarathustra are from an intellectual source. In the personality framework, a concept created that both arise from the principle of imitation, mask, and transhistorical matter and have the characteristics of influence, relativity, and dynamism in this philosophical and narrative construction.
Main Subjects
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