Document Type : Original Article
1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University
2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
3 PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran, Qazvin
The famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung believes in another kind of subconscious mind, which expresses unfulfilled thoughts and aspirations and is not an individual fear, but a repository of tendencies and thoughts that are common to all human beings. Understanding the subconscious, which Jung calls the collective subconscious, is possible, for example, by studying the myths of different nations that manifest human transcendental tendencies and thoughts. Jung extensively studied the mythological systems in various cultures and compiled a collection of universal mental images, which in his school are called archetypes. Archaeological examination is not only a way to understand general patterns of human behavior, but also a way to critically read literary texts and works of art. Emad al-Din Faqih Kermani's treatise is one of the mystical Masnavi of the eighth century AH, which is worth researching and studying from the point of view of archetypal critique. In this article, we intend to analyze the various forms of ancient types (archetypes) in it and this research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and using library resources with the aim of recognizing and examining the main and secondary archetypes of the poet's treatise. In this study, it was found that the most important archetypes used in Masnavi Tarighatnameh include old age, mask, shadow and rebirth or rebirth.
Main Subjects
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