Document Type : Original Article
Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Adolescence is one of the most period in life. The issue of identity formation and related concerns is one of the other issues related to this period that any disorder in its process can have negative effects. In particular, the judgments of others play an important role in shaping the identity structure. Meanwhile, the presence of physical, personality or behavioral defects and defects in adolescents. can affect the judgment of others on the one hand and the adolescent's attitude to self-identity on the other. Irving Goffman, has studied various types of defects affecting the personality and social relations of individuals through his theory of social action. According to this sociologist, individuals' identities can be damaged in three ways: physical disabilities, personality disorders, and ethnic differences. In this condition, either the burn is visible to others or there is no sign of a defect in appearance. the main concern is to hide the stigma. A situation that creates fear and anxiety. Nasser Yousefi's novel "The Taste of Yellow Apple" is one of the most successful teen novels in which the author deals with the effect of the stigma of personality and ethnicity on the psyche of the characters. The present study, which has been done by descriptive-analytical method, seeks to investigate the effect of stigma on the main characters of this novel, namely "Sina" and "Nesar", the former suffering from personality defects and the latter due to his Afghan nationality. An issue that has led to serious crises and their isolation.
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