Document Type : Original Article


khorramshahr university of Marine Science and TechnologyAssociate Professor, Department of General Courses and Fundamental Sciences, Khorramshahr University of Marine Sciences and Technology, Khorramshahr, Iran.


History of Nations and Kings" or "History of Messenger and Kings" is the name of a book written by Mohammad Jarir Tabari in the history of the world from the begining of creation to the end of the year 302 AH. We have received a book from Abu Ali Muhammad Bal'ami known as the "History of Tabari" or "Tarikh Bal'ami". Scholars believe that Balami translated Tabari's book into Persian and reduced some of its contents and added parts. In the present study, the narrations of Tabari and Bal'ami from the events of Ashura on the year 61 AH have been analyzed, compared and analyzed. This research is based on Hypertextuality. According to this theory, all texts are taken from previous texts. The opening text is called the "Hypotext" and the last text is called the "Hypertext". During overwriting, changes are made to the text called "Transformation". According to the results of this study, Balami's narration from the day of Ashura can not be a translation of Tabari's narration


Main Subjects

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