Document Type : Original Article
1 PhD in Persian Language & literature, faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.
2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Humanities. Trabiat Modares University. Tehran. Iran
The main issue of the present research is the doubt about the recording and consequently the correction and explanation of a bit of one of Sa’di's Ghazal which has been recorded in most of the available printed versions as follows: بازآ و حلقه بر در رندان شوق زن
The acceptance of the recording of "Rendan" in this bit by various proofreaders has caused the commentators to provide various, contradictory and unrelated descriptions based on the structure of the text. In this research, using various evidences, it has been proved that the correct recording of the word mentioned in this verse is "Zendan" and not "Rendan". based on a cognitive poetic approach, it is clear that the present bit is illustrated on the basis of an image schema and the conceptual metaphor of "passion is prison." This conceptual metaphor is The result of the c Sa’di's tendency to spatialize abstract concepts.
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