Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Persian literature , Faculty of Human sciences , Islamic azad university unit Hamadan , Hamadan, Iran
2 Department of Persian Literature, Faculty of Human sciences, Islamic Azad university of Hamedan. Hamedan. Iran
In many of Bahram Beizai's works, one of the main concerns is to show the interactions of the tyranny system and individuals in society, that in there, Tyranny, as a historical and cultural complication, is tied to the minds and lives of the people. In response, the emergence of the hero is a recurring theme in overthrowing authoritarian oppression and in the face of the turbulent situation that has occurred so much in history. This appearance, however, has another side that in the face of the effects of tyranny, people stop trying to see the flaws and stop looking for endogenous solutions and, like an immature child, wait for the emergence of a superior force to solve problems with its help. This issue is clearly raised in some of Beizai's literary works. This paper criticizes this fundamental issue of society through dramatic literature another question is how do individuals themselves play a role in the perpetuation of authoritarian rule? Among Beizai's works, the screenplay of "Ghesseha-ye Mard-e Kafanpoosh (Tales of shrouded man)" is in the center of the present article. In addition, the irresponsibility of individuals as one of the roots of demand for hero process of the people of the society in the Screenplay "Ahoo, Salandar, Talkhak va Digaran (Talkhak & Others)" as one of the factors of the issue of Tyranny is examined. For theoretical analysis, Manes Sperber’s approach has been used in the psychological analysis of Tyranny Which is shown. By help of it and some other psychological texts is shown that in Tyranny conditions, the extreme expectation of the people for the emergence of a hero, while showing signs of illusion and self-deception in individuals, also constantly is exploited society by tyrannical rulers.
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