Document Type : Original Article
1 PhD student in Islamic Arts, Department of Islamic Art, Faculty of Industrial Arts, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, Iran.
2 Associate Professor of French Language & Literature, Department of French Language & Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Corona is an unknown virus that transcends all natural and human boundaries and affects artists around the world. Kurdish artists have not been unaffected by this and have reflected this in their works. The purpose of this study is to study and analyze the consequences of Corona, in ﭼﺎ ﻏﻴﺮ one of its main., As an art in the works of Kurdish artists from the perspective of Gaston Bashlar's imaginative critique. In order to analyze the work of art, Bashlar pays attention to the author's imagination and uses the main and basic elements of the world (water, air, soil and fire) as the basis for recognizing the work of art and the artist's imagination because he believes that imagination is formed based on material forms. This research is qualitative in nature and is a descriptive-analytical research method. Also, information and data were collected using written sources and libraries, field, as well as the global information network (Internet) and seeks to answer the question: the impact of the Corona pandemic and the resulting atmosphere on Kurdish artists selected in this study and How have their works been? In this regard, first, by organizing a call and broadcasting it in cyberspace and society, communicating with artists in the field, etc., a total of 290 works in different artistic formats and with a focus on corona were collected. Then, according to the quality of the works collected in a purposeful way, the works of each artist from each Kurdish country "Iran, Iraq, Syria" were selected and the works of these three selected artists were analyzed from the perspective of Bashlar's theory. The results showed that the selected artists in this study referred more to their inner space and their works of this period tended more towards introversion and inner concerns of the artist and the direct reflection of Covid 19's effects in human society was less reflected in the works of these artists.
Main Subjects
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