Document Type : Original Article
1 Persian the literature. Literature and Humanities. Razi University. Kermanshah Iran.
2 Razi University
Modern historicism is one of the theories in the field of literary criticism and one of the sub-branches of post-structuralism, which was founded by Steven Greenblatt in the late seventies and early eighties. Contrary to traditional historicism, which speaks of the one-sided influence of history on literature, modern historicism believes in the two-sided influence of literature and history on each other. In this research, relying on library and documentary studies and with an analytical-descriptive approach, we have tried to examine the story of Khosroparviz and Bahram Chobin in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh based on the criticism of modern historicism, identify and analyze its discourses, and finally present a new meaning from it. Based on the obtained results, it can be said that three discourses of Bahram, Khosroparviz and Gardieh are represented in the story and each has its own special linguistic interpretations. The fundamental conflict is between Bahram Chubin and Khosroparviz. On the one hand, Bahram represents the Parthian discourse and on the other hand, the representative of the Pahlavi discourse. Khosroparviz is also a representative of the Shahriari discourse on the one hand and Sasanian discourse on the other hand. At the beginning of Bahram's discourse, the dominant discourse is the story; But Khosrow later becomes the central discourse.
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