Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Persian language and literature University of Birjand

2 Graduate M.A in Persian Language and Literature, University of Birjanad



Most of the characters in the works of Bahram Beyzaie, as one of the prominent authors in this field, are characters who are rejected by their society and have a stigma on their foreheads for not matching with the prevailing society and custom, disrupting old relationships, and having a different worldview. Beyzaie in paying these characters and their actions, establishes a connection between dramatic literature and sociology and thus challenges the society, behaviors and social relationships in the form of dramatic art. In this study, the authors have analyzed twelve works of Bahram Beyzaie based on Erving Goffman's stigma theory and descriptive-analytical method. The results of this research show that the stigma of the characters of Beyzaie's works is more than the second type (esoteric and personality) and the third type (racial and ideological). The male characters of his works are intellectual, artist, consciousness-raiser and different from their time, who are rejected by the society because of these characteristics, and The female characters are also literate, taboo-breaking and combative people who are captives of the patriarchal norms of the society, and in the pursuit of finding independence, revealing their true identity and asserting their basic rights, they suffer stigma from that society.


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