Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student of English Literature, Department of English Language and Literature, North Tehran Branch. Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature, Department, of English Language, Faculty of Humanities. Khatam University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature, Department of English Language, Parand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.



Extensive interest in the field of comparative literary studies emerged in the early decades of the nineteenth century with the main focus of comparing similarities in perspectives and variations in beliefs which congregate or rupture world views, representing human thought. It is the objective of the present study to analyze and compare the components which yield to the New Historical analysis of two literary pieces to discover the existing nuances related to the artists’ socio-cultural milieu and to illustrate how this mirrors personality development in their poetry. For this means, two poems have been chosen: “I Am a Black Woman” from Mari Evans, a contemporary African-American poetess, and “Farewell” from Forough Farrokhzad, the influential, modernist Iranian artist. Results will indicate how the views of the two poets differ from one another in regard to the relationship between identity formation and the role that episteme plays in this process. Inevitably, there will be concern about the influence of zeitgeist in imagery production since literary work is the doings of historical-socio-cultural discourses as much as creative imagination.


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