Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor and faculty member of the department of Persian and Literature, Alzahra University.

2 Postdoctoral researcher of Persian language and literature, Alzahra University.



A cultural study is one of the modern theories of literary criticism that has different characteristics, including the contrast between ''high culture'' and ''low culture''. This theory considers popular literature as everyday culture. It raises the way of identity formation, gender culture, social rituals and functions of the culture industry in contemporary text and connects society and literature. Then it examines the functions of literature, especially when the governments use literature as tool to gain control over people's behavior and social reaction in order to manage people's thoughts. In this way, the theory of culture hegemony is formed and plans the quality of literary productions. This action will stabilize the value of sovereignty. The novel Abnabate Heldar by Mehrdad Sedghi is one of the most popular and best-selling fiction works of the nineties on various websites related to the information of Iranian publications, and this novel is one of the popular stories that the theory of cultural hegemony can criticize well from various aspects.

Using the analytical descriptive method, this research tries to investigate Stuart Hall's theories in this novel. This article wants to determine how the genre of humor and nostalgic atmosphere of the sixties in this story has been able to recreate the good memories of the Iran-Iraq war. The author intended to narrate the war in such a way that the government would like it. This novel contrary to its realistic characteristics is a completely non-realistic text and just an entertaining novel.


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