Document Type : Original Article
1 Ph.D. student in Persian Language and Literature Department, Arak University, Iran,
2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Arak University
The rhetoric of narration in any story, including "Majid's Tales," holds great importance. This requires special attention to the audience and the eloquence and clarity of the story. There must be a link between the rhetoric of the narration and the audience, as the writer, as the creative mind behind each narrative, writes with purpose and reason, which brings meaning to the stories. When a connection is established between the reader and the story, the narrative becomes meaningful, and this is achieved by considering the audience's context in the language.
The narrator of "Majid's Tales" is within the story, but the author, who is an adult, tells the experiences from the perspective of a young narrator. This allows the author to step outside the story as well. Therefore, the author must choose the rhetorical language in a way that maintains the connection of children and adolescents with the story. The internal world of the story is represented by the author and becomes meaningful in connection with the audience. This research examines the appropriateness of the narrative and its rhetoric based on the audience's context. From the selection and combination of words to the imagery and literary language of the tales, everything serves to create an understandable world.
The research background shows that there has been no specific study on the rhetoric of narration in "Majid's Tales." Other related articles include "Examining the Implied Reader in Majid's Tales" and "The Adolescent Narrator and Techniques for Making Events Believable in the Novel Dashtban."
According to Aristotle, one of the benefits of reading stories is catharsis. Kimberley Reynolds believes that novels challenge social norms, and children's books often hide these challenges. The author must be able to engage the audience with the imaginary world they create, which is achieved through language and expression that match the mind and language of the audience. Children's literature in Iran is authoritarian, with one-way communication from the adult to the child. The power of the narrative lies in its rhetorical impact, which is created by the effective combination of thoughts and emotions while reading the narrative. Attention to the audience in the selection and arrangement of the narrative in linguistic and expressive forms is crucial to elicit specific emotional and behavioral reactions in the audience. These reactions result from the reader's negotiation with the text, where signs in each narrative convey meanings and implications to the reader. Children's and adolescent literature must meet the needs of its audience to foster interest and attachment.
The aim of this research is to investigate the alignment between narrative and rhetoric in "Qesas-e Majid", focusing on the demands of the audience. This study analyzes the relationship between the narrator and the audience and its impact on the meaningfulness of the stories. It evaluates how the selection and combination of words, imagery, and literary language contribute to creating a comprehensible world. The research population includes the collection of "Qesas-e Majid" by Houshang Moradi Kermani, and sampling is conducted from the stories and narratives of this collection. The tools used include qualitative content analysis and the study of related texts and articles. The analytical approach involves content analysis and narrative discourse, with a focus on rhetoric and the relationship between the narrator and the audience. Comparison with previous research and the use of relevant literary theories are employed to interpret the data. These methods aim to enhance understanding of narrative rhetoric, its connection with the audience, and a more precise analysis of language and expression in the stories.
The key findings of this research are as follows: The coherence of rhetorical eloquence with the cognitive world of children and adolescents, where the author has crafted narratives based on their needs and understanding. Effective use of rhetorical devices such as similes and metaphors, which resonate with the cognitive world of children and adolescents, imparting a consistent and cohesive style to the stories. Attention to palpable details in the narratives that create clear semantic implications, allowing readers to easily connect with the stories, supplemented by footnotes to resolve ambiguities. The narrative eloquence also enhances character and setting portrayal in the stories, as the author adeptly introduces locations and characters while adhering to rhetorical principles, thereby engaging the audience effectively with the narratives.
The findings demonstrate that narrative rhetoric in "Qesas-e Majid" is well-aligned with the cognitive world of children and adolescents. The author skillfully utilizes similes and metaphors to create clear implications, contributing to the cohesive style of the stories and fostering a strong connection with the audience. By addressing ambiguities through explanatory footnotes, the narrative rhetoric enhances character development and setting portrayal. Adherence to these narrative techniques effectively engages the audience with the stories, highlighting their meaningful impact on readers.
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