Document Type : Original Article
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.
2 PhD student of Persian language and literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.
Evaluations and value patterns are among the things based on which literary texts can be examined and analyzed. This research has investigated and analyzed two collections of stories accompanied by the Hamrahe ahanghaye baabaam and Abshouran by Dervishes, based on text valuation patterns and relying on vernacularism and interdisciplinary knowledge. The research method is descriptive and analytical. These two collections of stories are among the works that were written in the field of realism, and by relying on the valuation patterns in them, the author's focalizations, highlights, and evaluations can be seen. Measure the canvas in them. The results of the research indicate that the dervishes in the form of environmental elements and to express the pains and sufferings of the middle and weak strata of the society in contrast to the affluent strata, environmental manipulations and destructions, although aligned with the manifestations of culture and progress. However, he does not like it and always has negative evaluations towards them. Also, according to the value patterns of the texts, it can be understood that a peaceful life alongside nature and its dangers is rooted in respect for the multifaceted political, social, etc. dependencies of humans with nature. It is necessary to mention that the narrator's social, economic and cultural position has a significant impact on forming a point of view in connection with the environment.
Main Subjects
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