Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature. South Tehran Branch. Islamic Azad university. Tehran. Iran



The female story writers have a special place and role in the contemporary period. The nucleus of the novels moves around the problems of women. While delineating their story, they present the inner world of the women which constitute their pains, sufferings, loneliness and apprehensions. One of the social evils which contemporary novels have covered is the type of human loneliness, loneliness as a dangerous factor that leads to the origin of several physical and psychological ailments which is always in the fore front. The important role of ideal family relationship controls and checks the development of loneliness. Therefore, the ideal family relationship and the feeling of loneliness are highly relevant to human existence. The sincere relationship and the feeling of loneliness are relevant to human existence. The sincere relationship as a marker of a psychological well-being is worthy of attention. An appropriate ideal relationship is an important factor which can reduce the feeling of loneliness and conduce a satisfactory life. The families whose members spend most of their time on mutual and reciprocal visits and exchange their views on various topics, they experience little loneliness. In fact, the ideal relationships make a beneficial impact on psychological health of an individual and fill his/her life with happiness. It is, thus, necessary to initiate the ideal relationship of families.
Loneliness as a marker of human existential pain has been taken cognizance in Persian novels. Existentialism is the part of the preliminary school of thought that pays heed to human loneliness and it is constantly engaged with it. One of the philosophers of existentialism is Ervin Yalom who has dealt with the subject of pain and apprehension of loneliness. Most of his viewpoints are comparable with the fictional characters of Belgheis Soleimani (born 1342).
This research having access to the studies in the libraries and benefiting from the analytical methodology presents a review on the topic. Various markers and evidence based on the books of clinical psychology of existentialism authored by David Yalom resonate with the works of Belgheis Soleimani. The present article while discussing answers to the given questions.
What is that fundamentally effective factor of loneliness of the characters in the fictional works of Belgheis Soleimani from the perspective of Yalom?
Which of the types of lonely characters as per the view of David Yalom deserves more attention in the novel of Belgheis Soleimani.
David Yalom considers loneliness as the primary source of human pain and stress. His view point related to loneliness and isolation is fundamentally existentialist. Most of the characters of the fiction of Belgheis Soleimani suffer from loneliness and destitution. They are caught in the web of perplexity. The present research with a view to the causes of loneliness from the point of view of David Yalom and the works of Belgheis Soleimani is descriptive-analytical. The review aims at the study of the factors of loneliness in the characters of the stories of Belgheis Soleimani from the point of view of David Yalom.
Based on the findings and results of the present research most of the fictional characters of Belgheis Soleimani are particularly women.  They endeavor to face the impediments of society. They strive to create a unique identity for themselves. But they do not succeed in it. Loneliness decimates them and leads them to commit suicide. During this period, family plays a fundamental role in the loneliness of the fictional characters of Belgheis Soleimani.  The women in their quest for achievement in foreign land are subject to a lonely life. Human identity and acceptance of loneliness in life and the relationship with others play a very effective role. Based on the findings of the research, the stress of loneliness is a result of the intensity of an individual relationship with his/her outer world.
Belgheis Soleimani is a contemporary woman writer.  Most of the characters in her stories are women. She is a writer who has a conviction and specific philosophical viewpoint towards life. She portrays apprehension as an impediment and obstruction for women in society.
The women of her novels due to their pursuit of education as students, marriage, divorce, immigration, etc. are caught in various forms of loneliness. The female fictional characters of her, due to not having suitable environmental conditions become victims of various forms of loneliness and displacement. Overall, loneliness among individuals mostly reflects the various forms of loneliness of Yalom in the stories of Belgheis Soleimani. In most of the cases of loneliness among individuals in the novels of Soleimani, the characters face physical distances and are placed far away from their city, become migrants, tied in the knot of marriage, and strive for education, etc. which take them to the islands of loneliness.


Main Subjects

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