Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student of Persian language and literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran



Imprisonment is not merely depriving the subject of the physical dimension; But from the psychological point of view, it also causes hardships or deprivations for him. According to Lacan, any deprivation for the subject is a seizure of surplus pleasure for The Other. Depriving a prisoner is like restricting his freedom. This means that when freedom is taken away from the subject, pleasure is also denied to him; Therefore, the prisoner tries to compensate for the lack of this pleasure in another way, although his action does not seem to bring concrete freedom to him. Despite the lack of permanent deterrence of prison sentences for criminals from committing crimes, in some reports and statistical studies, it is observed that criminals intentionally commit crimes in order to return to prison and its restrictions. Imprisonment punishment with all its sufferings and hardships may also be enjoyable for the prisoners, and they experience an excess of pleasure with the imprisonment punishment that they would never be able to experience in freedom?
Materials and Methods
Based on this, respectively, in this research, the five components of imprisonment; A place for the minor criminal to comply with the sign of the criminal's desire, Imprisonment; A platform for the emergence of psychosis of the prisoners and their exclusion from the chain implying the desire of  The Other due to the capture of jouissance, Imprisonment; A place to take away the future from the imprisoned subject through his rejection, Emptying the jouissance of the imprisoned subject against symbolic castration and suicide as a hysterical act or the most moral act against symbolic castration have been evaluated in the reading and analysis of Lacanian characters in these stories.In this research, using the method of qualitative analysis and relying on the psychoanalytic teachings of Jacques Lacan, we have criticized the stories Prison of the Convicts, Ground Forgiveness and Mr. Author's Cold Coffee.
Research Findings
The study's findings demonstrate that, in Prison of Convicts, some prisoners tried to introduce themselves to a greater crime than what they were sentenced to it.
this is also evident in most of the prisoners from their statements. In Mr. Author's Cold Coffee, most of the prisoners who were in the asylum had suffered from psychosis. In Ground Forgiveness, the narrator hopes to enjoy his freedom after coming out of prison; But such a thing does not materialize for him. The return or repetition of jouissance in the form of symptoms is more enjoyable for the narrator than the days of freedom. Souwlat's action, one of the narrator's juxtapositions, shows at the subconscious level that for a prisoner in the jouissance of imprisonment, there is an excess of pleasure that the subject cannot find in freedom; Therefore, despite the strictness of the law and the application of heavier punishment, the subject's more deviant behavior is not due to his lack of punishment, but due to the excess pleasure that exists in the crime and violation of the will of  The Other. Kianoosh commits suicide in Mr. Author's cold coffee and Pahlavan in Prison of Convicts. Suicide should be considered as a hysterical act in the imprisoned subject. The imprisoned subject accepts the punishment of imprisonment as a symbolic castration imposed on him. In this case, he tries to seize the jouissance for his own benefit by any action that violates the will of another. For example, gambling as a failed and unfinished drive and obscenity and talking about failures and the lost past are actions through which prisoners discharge their jouissance in the form of symptoms. If the subject cannot bear the punishment of imprisonment as a symbolic castration, he will commit suicide.
we have shown that the subject of imprisonment with a low history obeys the desire of the subject of imprisonment with a history. At the same time, the imprisoned subject is always ashamed of the big other because of the excess in his identity. Imprisonment provides a bed where the prisoners get out of the chain of signification of the desire of a great other due to the imposition of symbolic castration. If the prisoners do not accept the symbolic castration, they will suffer from psychosis and because of this, firstly, they will see themselves rejected by the society outside the prison, and secondly, they will not hope for a bright future for themselves. The imprisoned subject tries to seize the jouissance for his own benefit by any action that violates another's desire.


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