Document Type : Original Article
1 Ph.D student in Persian language and literature, Allameh Tabatabaie University, Tehran, Iran.
2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran.
Based on the findings of linguists, Alamuti dialect can be divided into the subgroup of North-Western languages of ancient Iran. Iranian languages can also be examined in the form of the large "Indo-European" language family. The horizon of comparison and connection of Alamuti dialect with English language in the beginning and origin in terms of form, phonetic and semantic structure, expands a wide range of research before the eyes of researchers, still many words with its old form and phonetic construction are used in the language of Alamuti speakers. In this article, some ancient morphological features of this dialect will be briefly mentioned. According to the research method which is descriptive and analytical, to prove the above attitude, twenty words and three suffixes that overlap with some English words in terms of phonetic form and meaning are examined and compared; First, he explores the words in the ancient origins and roots of Iranian languages (Pahlavi and Avestan), then he compares the words in a deeper view in the context of the Indo-European language family, and to these questions He answers that: What are the semantic and phonetic similarities of some words of Alamuti dialect with the words of the English language in their roots and origins? Are these similarities coincidental or does it indicate a common origin in a large language family? Based on this research, the ancient identity and originality of this dialect can be seen in the collection of Iranian languages and its connection with the family of Indo-European languages.
Main Subjects
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