Document Type : Original Article
Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Iran, Tehran
Due to its strategic location, the Iranian society has always been exposed to the invasions of various ethnic groups, including Arabs, Turks, and Mongols, and has not been spared from their attacks and brutalities, and has suffered in some way at every stage. Trauma (injury) has become psychological, social and cultural, the study of Iranian society in different periods, especially during the period of the Arab invasion, shows that the society suffered from a cultural trauma, which led to different reactions in Iranians, sometimes These reactions have been passive, sometimes negative, and in the direction of causing more damage to the culture of Iran, such as Iranians turning to learning Arabic and sometimes seriously avoiding writing in Persian, trying to enrich the culture of Arabs from By writing numerous works in Arabic and about the Arabic language, alienation and negation of the historical and religious past, and in some cases, a positive active reaction, which is the reaction of the wise and competent rulers. Iran, with the efforts and behavior of its wise children, has always passed through difficult stages and has been able to think about recovering and rebuilding its capabilities and bringing them to the fore in the field of action. The Samanians, as a dynasty that is friendly to Iran, and Ferdowsi as a national poet, played an essential role in this field by composing the Shahnameh, and they have been able to take fundamental steps in the direction of the revival of Iranian culture and make Iran and Iranians indebted to them forever.
The purpose of this article is to explain the cultural trauma caused by the Arab attack on Iran and express its effects on the psyche of the individual and the Iranian society, to express Ferdowsi's knowledge and understanding of the social situation and his conscious effort to eliminate or reduce it. to deal with the works of cultural trauma mentioned by composing the Shahnameh - the result of which is the preservation of Iranian identity and language - and to answer the basic question of how Ferdowsi, with a conscious understanding of this trauma, turned to the treatment of Iranian society from a psychological and intellectual point of view and in line with Has their intellectual and cultural health progressed?
The present article has analyzed Ferdowsi's strategies in order to treat the psychological wounds of Iranian society in a descriptive-analytical way. First, Ferdowsi's activities were categorized in three fields of thought, identity and language, then for each of the mentioned criteria, examples from the Shahnameh were presented as examples. Also, finally, for a better understanding of the cases, a diagram of the positive and negative efforts of Iranians, including the rulers, military, and cultured people (writers, writers, and poets), against the Arabs was drawn.
Based on what was discussed, it can be concluded that the Arab war and attack on Iran was the main cause of cultural and social trauma, and the occupation of Iran's land, and the occupation of Iran's land, the baseless violence of the Arabs.It caused several reactions: First, the passivity of Iranians, secondly, the negative reaction of some Iranians who showed a tendency towards Arabs and the Arabic language, and thirdly, the positive and pro-Iranian reaction of armed fighters, Iran-friendly rulers, and cultural elites, which ended up saving Iranians and their identity. It was also found that the armed struggles of the military elite had an indirect but significant effect on opening up the social space and providing the ground for Iranian governance and cultural activity, and the local nationalist rulers also took advantage of the opportunity and supported cultural activities. And the cultural elites of Iran became the origin of the creation of many works in Persian language, among which is the translation of the Qur'an in Persian language, etc., and these efforts showed that the dynamics and reliability of cultural campaigns and activities are far more than There are other types of struggles, and in fact, even when the military power of a land is destroyed and enmity dominates the lives and property of those people, cultural activities can restore the lost identity of that society, and many To heal the psychological wounds of that society. Also, the examination of the Shahnameh revealed that Ferdowsi, with a correct understanding of the society, his own role, and cultural trauma, took a firm and strategic step in the three dimensions of wisdom, paying attention to the identity and the proud past of Iranians, which has been shaken by the behavior of the Arabs. And he took a vigorous and practical defense of the Persian language by writing the Shahnameh and taught Iranians that these practical strategies can be helpful in treating any kind of cultural trauma, and of course it is necessary to mention that Ferdowsi's lessons and efforts to teach all Iranians And in all eras, with wisdom, preservation of identity and language, they make a continuous presence for Iran and Iranians.
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