Document Type : Original Article
Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
In a world where interaction and confrontation with others and strangers and coexistence with him is an undeniable truth, providing a solution to implement the safest and most peaceful ways of interaction and coexistence is the view of all intercultural thinkers with their different approaches. According to intercultural thinkers, these practices go hand in hand with how one understands oneself. The reflection of the behaviors of each culture towards foreign cultures is a criterion for analyzing the worldview of cultures in relation to each other, which flows in different languages, beliefs, customs, laws and, in general, different cultures. Poetry and art, also, because they are a reflection of the realities of the world, can be considered as a good source for examining the kind of understanding of the truth of another essence in a culture and its perception in the face of a foreign culture. In this study, by examining Shafi'i Kadkani's collection of poems "A Child Called Happiness", the poet's view of another, alien, understanding and other ways of interacting with it from the analogous hermeneutic perspective of property, Kimmerle's multifaceted and all-round dialogue and polylogue Weimer has been examined. Research findings indicate that the importance of presence, appreciating of identity, interaction and fellowship while preserving one's own identity in an Islamic society and understanding the differences between self and stranger, are prominent themes of the collection of poems "A child called happiness" and in line with the ideals of cross-cultural hermeneutic thinkers.
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