Document Type : Original Article
Our conceptual systems that we think about have a metaphorical structure that appears as conceptual metaphors in human culture, art, and customs, and this can be discussed in the discussion of cognitive linguistics. Conceptual metaphors objectify mental matters and evaluate the attitudes of poets and writers in different areas of this category. One of these abstract concepts is time. The present research has been done in line with this issue and based on the mentioned theory, in which the concept under discussion in the works of Mohammad Javad Mohabbat and Parto Kermanshahi has been analyzed. In the works of the mentioned poets, time becomes objective in different ways, Kermanshahi ray sees time as a bloody human being and Mohammad Javad Mohabbat sees time as a generous human being, the view of two poets on the category of time in the discussion of zoology They are also very close to each other and look at time with a negative view. Sometimes time appears as a curtain in their poems and sometimes as countable objects; they refer to time as an enclosed space, with different attitudes. This research has been done with a descriptive-analytical method in which, while objectifying the concept of time, we have explained and interpreted the commonalities and differences of different fields for the audience. Findings show that the view of Mohammad Javad Mohabbat and Parto Kermanshahi in objectifying the concept of time with nature is also prominent, but in all cases above,
Main Subjects
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