Document Type : Reviewing article


English Department, Faculty of Literature, Arak University


This paper lays emphasis on the role of interdisciplinary and cultural studies in explaining comparative literature. Here, some issues are raised. First, literature is not limited to written texts and all types of written and non-written texts are possible. Second, we do not have a precise definition of comparative literature as a "discipline," that is, a system of study. Third, in addition to disciplinary studies, there is also discussion of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, postdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies. The debate is when and how can comparative literature become a cultural study? This paper tries to briefly point out some issues related to the connection between cultural studies, interdisciplinary, and comparative literature and explain the relationship between them. Hence, first the background is mentioned, and then the theoretical foundations of the discussion are explained. Different definitions of culture are also mentioned, and interdisciplinary discussions related to cultural studies and comparative literature are reviewed. An attempt is then made to review the interdisciplinary issues of comparative literature as a discipline. This paper is an introduction to the discussion of the relationship between comparative literature and other arts.


Main Subjects

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