Document Type : Original Article
1 PhD student, Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Faculty of Humanities
2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran,
3 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran,
Positive psychology focuses on human’s abilities and shows the way to peace in human societies. Seligman, the founder of this science, tries to express what Aristotle called the "good life" by explaining the emotions of the time (present, past, future). Therefore, according to Seligman, the nature of lasting happiness in the past is to get "satisfaction". But in the past he believed in how to: change your mind, increase gratitude and learn to forgive. Satisfaction is achievable. Consequently, satisfaction with life is based on the cognitive components of the individual. On the other hand, one of the transcendent concepts of Islamic mysticism is "satisfaction", which can be achieved through self-awareness and explanation of positivist teachings. Rumi also pays special attention to moral teachings with a positive attitude and a focus on the perfect person. Investigating such a precious heritage with a new approach shows that theoretical issues are not separate from the worldview and cultural heritage. In this research, the components of positive psychology in Masnavi were identified and adapted using descriptive analytical methods to achieve satisfaction. The main question of this article in Masnavi's text is “To what extent does the acquisition of satisfaction as a basic need of modern man correspond to the components proposed by Seligman?”. In conclusion the joint achievements of both thinkers are the result of a deep connection with "faith". But Rumi's vision is bolder in this regard; Because relying on divine spiritual values and Islamic mysticism makes him a guide to eternal happiness.