Document Type : Original Article
1 Phd student Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University Tabriz unit,Tabriz,Iran
2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic University, Tabriz, Iran
3 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Fear is one of the emotions that human beings have experienced throughout history, It has the same characteristics in almost all nations. With Conceptual metaphor, differences and similarities of cultures can be achived in statement and how. The present examines and compares this metaphor in the work of Afghani and Ishiguro, with method descriptive_ analytical and research data extracted within the framework of Lakoff and Gohnson with 57 case Fear conceptual metaphors in works of two author (29 case of Afghani and 28 case in Ishiguro works). The results show similarities between them and difference is less. Similarities were found in the origins of Living foundation , color of foundation hostility , sea, stagnation and inactivity, cold, death and matter.And the source domains fire, disease, weapons ,gambling and enemy were found in the Afghani works, but not in the Ishiguro. instead the source domain of the plant came in the Ishiguro and there are no Afghani works, that are different in the mapping name according to the sources. The main similarity of both is in the use of metaphors, which confirms the similarity by a difference of one percent.The ontological metaphor is in the Afghani works with 15 case and 26/31 percent and in the Ishiguro works with 14 case and 24/56 percent. In the structural metaphor, the mapping names of both are equal to 14 case with 24/56 percent. This slight difference also confirm the influence of culture and environment on the construction of fear metaphors.