Document Type : Original Article


Instructor of Intercultural Communication Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan



Ferdowsi in his masterpiece, Shahnameh has revealed his thoughts and beliefs in some segments of his work. One of the most important occasions where he has spoken his thoughts repeatedly for about 80 times throughout Shahnameh are the verses in which he composed after almost every tragic event or death of kings, heroes and, other characters. In those verses, Ferdowsi has expressed his hatred towards the world’s hypocrisy, ruthlessness and, disloyalty. In these segments-which in this paper has been referred to as Ferdowsi’s complaints- the poet according to Burke’s theory of dramatism emphasizes on the scene for communication. Emphasis on scene in communication according to Burke’s theory is associated with philosophical fatalism which is a doctrine that stresses the subjugation of all events or actions to destiny, and is commonly accompanied with the consequent attitude of resignation in the face of future events which are thought to be inevitable. Among factors that have contributed to the formation of this attitude in Ferdowsi’s complaints, one is Shahnameh itself which is the story of the deterioration of the Persian Empire and other is the social, economic and political instability of Iran after the Arab conquest until 10th century A.D. Shahnameh and the social, economic and political instability of Iran can be seen as the common grounds (substance) Ferdowsi and his audience shared in this period of history. This paper studies the factors that helped to generate the common grounds between Ferdowsi and his audience


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