Document Type : Original Article


1 Linguistics PhD. Student of Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Humanity Faculty, Linguistics Group

2 English Language and Literature Professor in Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Humanity Faculty, Linguistics Group

3 Linguistics Professor in Azad University, Sanandaj branch, Humanity faculty, Linguistics Group

4 English Teaching Professor in Azad University, Sanandaj branch, Humanity faculty, Linguistics Group



This investigation aims to study cognitive megametaphor of "love" in the Now a Girl is my Homeland, a poetry book by Sherko Bekas, a Tucholsky awarded Kurdish poet. Cognitive megametaphors in which are needed to understand the literary words, talks about a conceptual discourse model which treats the undercurrent aspects of texts. According to cognitive approach and by using these data poems, megametaphor of "love" will be discussed. Analyzing data is based on theories about conceptual metaphors and megametaphors presented by Lakoff and Johnson (1980), and Kovecses (2010). The main questions of this study are: how megametaphor of "Love" is shown in Bekas poetry and also how micrometaphors in the undercurrent of the poems form megametaphor at the superstructure. The results of the study show that "Love" is the most common concept in these poems, and all micro conceptual metaphors in these poems appear in the realm of love megametaphor.


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