Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D of Persian Language & literature. Faculty eber of Hakim Sabzevari University



In this paper are examined the structures of the Rumi's mind in Image processing in Qazaliyat-e- Shams. Fundamental theoretical of research is one of the categories of cognitive linguistics, entitled The Approach of Mental Spaces and the Perceptual Integration. It shows how Rumi uses the information that enters his mind and expresses it in his style. The result is that the two main associative factors that are influential in the visual structure of Qazaliyat-e- Shams are the similarity of origin and the contradiction of the two mental domains. The constant repetition of incongruous and ambiguous symbols throughout Qazaliyat-e- Shams is as meaningful as day, night, light, and darkness, and helps the audience understand the meaning of the Narrator. Part of Rumi's imagery is a combination of abstract -sensory domain. Visualizing abstract concepts and bringing them into the text world is one of the functions of the metaphor in Rumi's opinion.

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