Document Type : Original Article
1 Master student of Archeology Department. Faculty of Humanities. Tarbiat Modares University. Tehran. Iran
2 Associate Professor of Archeology. Faculty of Literature and Humanities. University of Tehran. Tehran. Iran
Every artistic narrative, including the art of painting created by narrators, contains a set of narratives that are given identity during the narrative and a sound from within the world of the paintings that belong to the artist. To the outside world quotes. the painter has a variety of viewing angles for the narrating his purposeful exterior and in pictures as well as being a narrative, playing roles being in the narrative process, including: function’s (representation, control and interpretation) the present study seeks to answer these questions what functions of the painter based on the narrative painter discourse of Jep lint volt in his paintings?which function overlaps with other functions? what is the effect of the prevailing function on the paintings ? the present study is a descriptive-analytical study of interdisciplinary library studies of ancient art and literature to answer the above questions by examining the works of kamaludin behzad herati in the timurid period. Processing interpretive function by the artist, and con also be attributed to the ethical and educational aspectof the work, which is highly influential in the content genre of the image, on othrough it’s function and responsibilities, the artist engages the educational aspect the presence of paintings leads.