Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Literature Research Institute. Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies. Tehran.Iran

2 Master of Arts Literature Research Institute. Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies. Tehran. Iran


Historic events and characters are one of the most productive sources of art and contemporary inspiration. Since contemporary poetry has a strong relationship with human experience, its perspective towards historic events and characters has been changed. Contemporary poets have been entered into a modern stage of re-creation and re-reading, by passing the occasion poem period. According to the globalization of poetic experience, similar approaches among different nation can be seen. Re-readingand re-creation are historical heritage of these approaches that have been created in Arabic and Persian contemporary poems. This study based on descriptive-analytical method, tries to analyze historiccharactersin poetry of in Nazik Al-Malaika and Tahereh Saffarzadeh. In this study, the poems of these poets have been classified based on two stages of character recall, re-creation and re-readingwhich are considered as poems interaction with character heritage. Also based on these stages, character’s nation and their frequency have been determined and each of them has been analyzed. Also, in the second stage of applying character, re-creation, employment factor, goal and poem’s topic have been determined. Results show that both poems have applied historiccharacters in their poetry and have used them in the above-mentioned stages. The only difference is that Tahereh Saffarzadeh has used these factors more than Nazik Al-Malaika.


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