Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University. Pakdasht Center. Tehran. Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University. Pakdasht Center. Tehran. Iran

3 M.Sc. Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University. Pakdasht Center. Tehran. Iran


Literary critics, using psychology and character analysis and story events, reveal the hidden angles of the text. One of the aims of psychoanalytic criticism is to analyze and analyze the characters and the events that occur in the text. The purpose of this study is to investigate the inferiority complex, the symbols of superiority, and the ways in which the inferiority complex compensates for the main characters in the story. Long and artistic novels, considering the different aspects of the character and the various events surrounding it, are a good place to emerge. They are psychological critiques; hence Kelidar's long and brilliant novel, written by Mahmoud Dolatabadi for dealing with the different facets of the multiple characters in the story, is a good text for this review. Descriptive-analytical method. The findings show that the driving force and behavioral motive of Gol Mohammed was his sense of superiority and his desire to conquer the sentiments of the ruler. His behavior at the end of the story illustrates the unity and cohesion of his role and a means to express the superior and transcendent aspects of his personality. Other characters in the story, such as Sattar, Beyg Mohammed, and Khan Amoo, too, had overcome a sense of inferiority, but others, such as Ghadir, Nadali, , had fallen into the inferiority complex.


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