Document Type : Original Article


PhD student in Persian language and literature department. Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Chamran martyr of Ahwaz University.


The Frankfurt School is one of the most influential movements of the thirty-forties in the twentieth century. is of the important achievements of this School. The Frankfurt School theorists' view towards art and its aesthetic dimension is a critical viewpoint. This theory attempts to create an ideal and desired state in opposition to positivism, which serves primarily to describe and confirm the status. Criticizing the current situation, the autonomy of the work of art, the ideological nature of the work of art, the principle of being revolutionary and the content fact of the work of art are among the principles that aimed at emancipating humankind of the existing state of being and bringing him to welfare and desirable condition. In this paper, using the content analysis and gathering information by a documentary and library way, it has been tried to answer these questions, how much Aref has had a critical approach in his poetry and art along with the thinkers of aesthetic theory and show that Aref's artistic approach has a positive or negative aspect according to Frankfurt school view and the critical aesthetic theory. The result of this research reveals that, Aref's poetry and art also include the critical and protest dimensions that are very close to the criteria of authentic art from the critical aesthetics point of view. desired condition. In order to reach the, Aref criticizes the current situation of the society by a negative view and this gives his art a "consciousness" and "autonomy" aspect.


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