Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student of Persian language and literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran



In this research, the place of imprisonment and its relationship with the pleasure principle and jouissance have been represented and measured in the characters of the stories " Convicts Prisoner", "Ground Forgiveness" and "Mr. Author's Cold Coffee". Considering the actions of the mentioned characters and the punishment as a symbolic castration, the purpose of this research is to explain how the prisoner's subject can access pleasure from suffering. In this research, the central question has been answered that how can the prisoner experience excess pleasure or jouissance through the object that produces suffering for him? This research was carried out using the method of qualitative analysis and based on the psychoanalytical teachings of Jacques Lacan have been and shown that The imprisonment subject with a low history obeys the desire of the imprisonment subject with a history. At the same time, the imprisoned subject is always ashamed of the big other because of the excess in his identity . Imprisonment provides a bed where the prisoners get out of the chain of signification of the desire of a great other due to the imposition of symbolic castration. If the prisoners do not accept the symbolic castration, they will suffer from psychosis and because of this, firstly, they will see themselves rejected by the society outside the prison, and secondly, they will not hope for a bright future for themselves. The imprisoned subject tries to seize the jouissance for his own benefit by any action that violates another's desire.


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