Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature. Tehran Payam Noor university. Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature. Payam Noor university of Tehran. Iran

3 Headquarters of Persian Language and Literature Department, Persian Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Literature. Payam Noor university of Tehran. Iran

4 Persian literature group. Payame Noor University Graduate Center of Tehran



From the point of view of reflective hermeneutics, story and anecdote belong to two different discourse worlds. Although no narrative is without action and empty of time, critical analysis of the narrative contrasts the presupposition of the homogeneity of action and its time with the story. Thus, it can be said that the challenge of storytelling is to make language follow the thought and metaphor of understanding and concern of the story, deepening the integration of language and storytelling. What revolves around the present article is presented in its most influential form in the three minutes of time and the story of the French "Paul Ricoeur". Critically analyzing action and time, he says: The close correlation between imitation and plot has caused theorists not to notice the presence of the hidden component of "creation" that fills the story with thought, and its action and representation in The story is equated with the repetition of the action in the story. The latter assumption leads to a neglect of practical configuration and understanding. Using his approaches, the present article compares the narration of "Pir Changi", which is one of the joint stories of Attar and Rumi, in an analytical-content manner, and comes to the conclusion that the story, contrary to the tale, is full of"extroversion", "practical understanding", "autonomy" and "sculpting".


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