Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Department of General Courses, Isfahan School of Management and Medical Information, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran.



Imitation by image, behavior, display and speech that had exited in the culture of some ancient nations represents a kind of belief in the unity with the phenomena and the sanctity of being through this imitation. Plato used this term to design literary theory and to oppose the poetry. The influence of the Mimesis theory has caused to a plan of this theory in every period of history of the literary critique of Europe and the Islamic world, and different views on this theory led to new ideas. The aim of this paper is to explain the agent role of poet in creating poetry based on Mimesis theory in terms of Plato, Aristotle, and New Platonism's viewpoint by a comparative study through a library study and a descriptive-analytic method. Meanwhile, the viewpoints of some thinkers such as Democritus, Sydney, Coleridge, Benedetto Croce, Walter Benjamin, Theodore Adorno, Gadamer were also discussed and comparatively studied. This comparative study shows that the actual role of the poet, according to Mimsis's theory, is a negative and detrimental role of truth in Plato's view. But Plotinus consider the active role of the artist as cultivation, understanding and the power of visualization and expression. Aristotle consider the poet to play the active role of discovering and constructing the angles of a poetic creation plan. The poet's actual role is based on Adorno-Benjamin's readings of this theory of assimilation with nature and, in Gadamader's view, recognition.


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